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Modern Mahabharatha-I

Times are those when politicians are hungry for power and would do anything in order to get or maintain their positions. It is matter of ego for them. There are no villains or heroes in this era. Welcome to the modern Mahabharata.

Arjun and Dheeraj are the upcoming politicians who are sons of the leading politicians. Being studied in same college, there is always a rift between them from long time. Dheeraj is a stud and excels in cultural activities and has been a charm in his profile while Arjun is a sports person who is extremely trained athlete. Both have a huge following in the college and the competition between them started in the period when both of them wanted to become college presidents and followed till the elections in the city for member of legislative assembly (M.L.A).

Both of them have started to make their propaganda in the city. Arjun, being a sports fan have promised to build a stadium with state of arts facility in the outskirts of the city and has brought an initial setup with the influence of his father. The proposed stadium is made right at slum where the people already living there are forced to leave as the government order says that the existing people have trespassed government place.

Karan, an educated person from the slum, orphan raised by the people of the slum puts the government order to challenge in the court of law. Although the law is sided with the GO, it couldn't completely scrap off it. Knowing that Arjun is behind this, Karan thought of putting checkmate to his activities by publicly defaming him.

As part of the district games, Arjun participated to make a propaganda out of it. When he came to know that Karan is also equally talented sports person like him, he made sure that there aren’t any sponsors left for Karan. Dejected Karan started to move out of sports fair, Dheeraj came forward to sponsor him in the games. Karan’s happiness knew no bounds. From then on Karan vowed himself that he would consider Dheeraj to be his best friend that he would do anything for his friend.

The games started and Karan was crushing Arjun in every game they participated and dedicating that to Dheeraj. Dheeraj was elated by seeing some selfless love from someone whom he has just met. Dheeraj and Karan have become best friends from then on.


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