Some tricks that might be helpful
If you have to pay a company to work for them, it's a scam. Walk away.
When composing a professional e-mail, do not put in the recipient's e-mail address until you have typed the entire e-mail.
If you're dropping somebody off at their home, make sure that they are able to get in before you drive away.
Before heading to a busy venue (amusement park, sports arena), take a good picture of your children. If they get lost, a photo provides exact details of what they look like and what they are wearing.
When you call 911, start by saying the service you need and your address. Once the operator has those details, he can dispatch the appropriate people while you give more info.
Mosquito bite? press a hot spoon (e.g. the one you stirred your coffee with) onto the spot. the heat will destroy the protein that caused the reaction, and the itching will stop.
Start each year off with an empty jar, and fill it with notes of good things that happen. On New Year's eve, empty it and see what awesome stuff happened last year.
Keep blankets, water, non-perishable snacks, and a small tool kit in your vehicle in case you have any car troubles on the road.
Sign in blue ink so that you can distinguish an original document from a copy.
When your dog gets loose, don't chase it; lie down and pretend you're hurt.
Put a coat of clean nail polish onto the threads of a button to keep it from unraveling.
When you make a major purchase, set a reminder on a cloud-based app for two weeks before the warranty expiration. Examine your purchase for flaws, and don't get screwed by premature failure.
When moving, take down your meter readings for gas, electricity, and water for both your old and new home. Hang on to them.
When introducing a new baby to the family pet, send home an article of the baby's clothing for the pet to get acquainted with before the baby comes home from the hospital.
When traveling, bring your packing list on the trip with you. That way, you have an easy checklist when you're leaving to make sure you don't leave anything behind.
Learn to use spices by cooking them one at a time with white rice to become familiar with their flavor and intensity.
When you microwave something, race the clock to see how much of your kitchen you can get cleaned.
Giving a presentation? Always bring a bottle of water to the stage. When you can't remember what to say, take a drink. Nobody will know the difference.
Can't find someone to help you in an electronic store? Stand by the most expensive TV and look at the price tag. Someone will be right over.
If you suspect someone is following your car, take four right turns.It forms a circle, and if they are still behind they're following you.
Put a red cap on a blue pen to prevent people from stealing it. Nobody steals a red pen.
If you ever get caught doing something embarrassing in public, say you lost a bet.
Fifteen minutes of laughter has the same health benefits as 30 min of sit ups
When shopping, the cheapest items will be on the top and bottom shelves; not eye level.
I would also like to thank the source google images and Quora
If you have to pay a company to work for them, it's a scam. Walk away.
When composing a professional e-mail, do not put in the recipient's e-mail address until you have typed the entire e-mail.
If you're dropping somebody off at their home, make sure that they are able to get in before you drive away.
Before heading to a busy venue (amusement park, sports arena), take a good picture of your children. If they get lost, a photo provides exact details of what they look like and what they are wearing.
When you call 911, start by saying the service you need and your address. Once the operator has those details, he can dispatch the appropriate people while you give more info.
Mosquito bite? press a hot spoon (e.g. the one you stirred your coffee with) onto the spot. the heat will destroy the protein that caused the reaction, and the itching will stop.
When checking into a hotel in an area you don't know, grab a business card so you can show cab drivers the address.
Save the job description when you start a new job. It makes updating your resume a lot easier.
Start each year off with an empty jar, and fill it with notes of good things that happen. On New Year's eve, empty it and see what awesome stuff happened last year.
Keep blankets, water, non-perishable snacks, and a small tool kit in your vehicle in case you have any car troubles on the road.
Sign in blue ink so that you can distinguish an original document from a copy.
When your dog gets loose, don't chase it; lie down and pretend you're hurt.
Put a coat of clean nail polish onto the threads of a button to keep it from unraveling.
When you make a major purchase, set a reminder on a cloud-based app for two weeks before the warranty expiration. Examine your purchase for flaws, and don't get screwed by premature failure.
When moving, take down your meter readings for gas, electricity, and water for both your old and new home. Hang on to them.
When introducing a new baby to the family pet, send home an article of the baby's clothing for the pet to get acquainted with before the baby comes home from the hospital.
When traveling, bring your packing list on the trip with you. That way, you have an easy checklist when you're leaving to make sure you don't leave anything behind.
Learn to use spices by cooking them one at a time with white rice to become familiar with their flavor and intensity.
When you microwave something, race the clock to see how much of your kitchen you can get cleaned.
Giving a presentation? Always bring a bottle of water to the stage. When you can't remember what to say, take a drink. Nobody will know the difference.
Can't find someone to help you in an electronic store? Stand by the most expensive TV and look at the price tag. Someone will be right over.
If you suspect someone is following your car, take four right turns.It forms a circle, and if they are still behind they're following you.
Put a red cap on a blue pen to prevent people from stealing it. Nobody steals a red pen.
If you ever get caught doing something embarrassing in public, say you lost a bet.
Fifteen minutes of laughter has the same health benefits as 30 min of sit ups
When shopping, the cheapest items will be on the top and bottom shelves; not eye level.
I would also like to thank the source google images and Quora
hmm.! pretty Good.!