Three golden rules have to be followed.
Step 1:
Download and install latest drivers for your laptop
Step 2:
Click start, enter “cmd”, press “ctrl + shift + enter”.
This allows you to open DOS under admin.
Copy and paste the following two commands into cmd, one by one.
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Test key=password
Copy and paste the following two commands into cmd, one by one.
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
Remember to run it in administrator mode. Otherwise you cannot perform the task.
Ssid is the network name and you can set anything you want.
You need to change where there is Test in our example. Set your password greater
than 8 characters.
You can stop broadcasting the network by this command
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
Step 3:
Start your virtual router and it should work well.
Tips to troubleshoot:
Share your internet connection with Test (ssid of
the virtual router) connection.
See in that image, I have shared the BoysHostel2014
internet connection with my Test network I have created by sharing in the
sharing tab of the properties. If this tab has not been activated you have to
update your Wi-Fi drivers.
VirtualRouter from here :
If WiFi is
connected and no internet access, Just open network and sharing center and take
the properties of current network having a working internet connection, in
sharing tab, enable sharing of internet (1st option in Win7 and Win8).
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